Supporting business

Zero hassle QR code payments

Take online payments for products/services by displaying a QR Code. It’s that easy.

Car image

become a seller

Free setup and zero monthly fees

We only charge based on customer purchases.

$0.50 fee if transaction is $5 or less, $1.00 fee between $5.01 to $25 or a 4% fee if over $25

extra large mobile phone image

Not available to take payment in person?

Business not set up with an eftpos machine?

Now there is a solution. Welcome Kamra Pay.

Whether you’re a golf course whose pro-shop opens late, a beautician or a roadside seller who has only been able to accept cash, we’ve got you covered.

How It Works

1. Easy Registration

speed test dial

Just bring some basic details on what you're selling, along with a BSB and bank account to receive payments.

2. QR Code PDF

example qr code pdf

QR Codes are created into print ready PDF's that can be instantly displayed to your customers

3. Customer Payments

money transfer image

Customers scan the QR code, choose and purchase an item with payment methods such as a credit card

self service payments

Customers simply scan then pay

Or customers can navigate directly via a unique Kamra Pay shop address


example QR code PDF

we are here to help

Get started quickly

No messing about, sign up in a jiffy, print your QR PDF and receive customer payments just like that!

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